Document Control Training Courses in Abu Dhabi
Customer Service Training
Raise levels of customer care with this practical training programme.
An engaging customer service training course to develop and fine-tune customer service skills, with half-day or one-day training options available.
Target Audience
This course is ideal for anyone seeking training in customer service and customer care. The majority of delegates attending our customer services courses are in customer facing or customer support roles, who want to develop their customer service skills and behaviours.
We are also experienced at providing bespoke training courses in customer services, as well as longer term programmes to meet specific organisation goals and service standards. Our customer service training is always aligned to the most frequent method of communication used to connect with your customers e.g. face to face, telephone, email.
Course Aim
Duke’s customer service skills training is specifically designed to develop the participants’ skills and behaviours to offer exceptional customer care. It also empowers participants to provide effective solutions to customer facing problems, when they arise.
Course Objectives
By the end of this one-day course, the participants will have:
Adopted a consistent, professional style when speaking with customers
Developed skills in engaging with customers and handling their enquiries effectively
Listened effectively, asked questions and summarised to respond fully to a customer request
Identified ways they can add value to customer relationships and exceed expectations
Practised how to turn customer service disappointment into a positive experience
Course Overview
Defining Customer Service
What does great service look like and feel like?
Sharing our own experiences of good and bad service
Responsibility for customer service
Stepping into your customers’ shoes
Individual and group exercises, facilitated group discussion
Handling customer enquiries
Customer contact model and service standards
Creating lasting first impressions
Building and maintaining rapport
Using positive language and tone of voice
Demonstration, facilitated group review, pairs exercise with group review
Establishing customer needs and responding to requests
Active listening – including taking notes
Practical exercises in pairs and trios with group discussion
Handling work based customer requests
Identifying challenging customer requests
Responding to challenging customer requests assertively
Group discussion, short practice sessions in pairs with feedback
Service recovery
Turning disappointment into delight
Identifying the nature of customer complaints
Responding to customer complaints
Introducing colleagues to resolve customer service issue
Group discussion, presentation, exercise with group review
Complaint handling practice
Practise brief
Practise sessions
Complaint handling practice sessions with feedback, group review
Building customer relationships
Relationship triangle – trust and loyalty
What differentiates us from our competitors?
Identifying ways to add value and exceed customer expectations
Following up
Presentation, revolving flipchart exercise in small groups, group review
Applying the learning and next steps
Review of learning and action planning
Course feedback
The customer service training will be supported with:
An optional participant pre-course questionnaire and/or pre-course reading covering customer care
A colour printed workbook with customer service tips, techniques and space for personal notes