Primavera Risk Analysis
Risk analysis refers to the review of all possible risks associated with a project or event. Risk analysis and management are important in information technology, security issues, and other fields in which risks can be assessed on a quantitative and qualitative basis. Risk analysis is a part of risk management.
The process is recurring and is updated from time to time to accommodate new potential threats. Strategic risk analysis reduces the probability of future risks and the damage caused by them therein. An important aspect of risk analysis is the risk register, a document or system used to capture risk management status.
A risk register is commonly used to manage strategy, project, and operational risks. What role does Oracle Primavera play in risk analysis? Primavera risk analysis directly integrates with project schedules and cost estimates to provide quick and simple techniques for modeling risks and analyzing the schedule and cost impacts of mitigating these risks.
Who should join this Course?
- Penetration Tester
- Senior management of organizations who need to understand the importance of risk analysis through Primavera
- Project managers and team leads to driving and managing complex projects for their organizations
- Other project management professionals keen on increasing their knowledge and enhancing their skills in all aspects of project management
- Business analysts are responsible for analyzing all possible risks to the business and devising ways to handle these
- Other stakeholders of a project who may be required to intervene at some stage of risk assessment and management
- Any other professional interested in knowing more about risk analysis through Primavera
- Basic understanding of Internet and Web technologies
- Fundamental knowledge of HTTP/HTTPS protocols
- Familiarity with web development languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or PHP
- Basic understanding of SQL and database structure
- Familiarity with security concepts and hacking techniques
- Previous cybersecurity experience or certifications can be beneficial.
Course Outline
The Primavera Risk Analysis Course covers the following topics
Module 1 – Types of Project Risks
- Budget
- Contract
- Disputes
- Health and Safety
- Information security
- Operations
- Regulatory/Legal
- Scope creep
- Security
- Technology
- Project complexity and quality
- Reputational
- Residual
- Schedule
Module 2 – Key Features of Primavera Risk Analysis
- Risk analysis guide
- Schedule check
- Template quick risks
- Risk register wizard
- Risk register
- Risk analysis
- Distribution graphs
- Distribution analyser
- Probabilistic cash flow
- Summary risk report
Module 3 – Risk Analysis Process and Output
- Risk ready schedule
- Risk inputs
- Risk Impact
- Risk analysis
- Risk response
- Output
- Histograms
- Tornado diagrams
Module 4 – Elements of a Risk Register
- Risk identifier
- Risk description
- Risk trigger
- Probability
- Impact
- Score
- Ownership
- Mitigation
- Residual risks
- Accepted probability
- Accepted impact
Module 5 – Risk Analysis Models Used by Primavera
- Estimate uncertainty
- Task existence
- Probabilistic branching
- Fixed-cost uncertainty
- Variable-cost uncertainty
- Resource uncertainty
- Conditional branching
- Weather modelling
Module 6 – Benefits of Primavera Risk Analysis
- Increased confidence in project selection and bids
- More realistic schedules/elimination of scheduling pitfalls
- Project risk and uncertainty awareness
- Integration of pre-developed and current risk registers
- Focus on a complete risk management cycle
- Increased project success because of better project management
- Methodology-based risk analysis
Module 7 – Types of Cost Risk Analysis Uncertainties
- Requirements uncertainty
- Cost estimation uncertainty
- System definition uncertainty
Module 8 – Three-Point Estimation
- Optimistic estimate
- Pessimistic estimate
- Most likely estimate
Training Methodology:
Training courses at Duke Training Center always have scope for customization and changes to suit the training audience. Thus, the content of each course is reviewed to ensure its relevance to the trainees. Training is delivered by a highly experienced professional in the relevant domain. The trainer utilizes audio-visual presentations for ease of reference and comprehension.
Trainee participation in the program is encouraged through interactive group activities, engaging assignments, and immersive role-plays. Relevant case studies are also discussed with the training audience to provide real-world context and application. Trainees are further encouraged to share real-life experiences related to the training content, which are then discussed in detail by the trainer while drawing reference to the training content throughout the discussion.
All courses at Duke Training Center follow a proven method called the Do–Review–Learn–LearnApply model, ensuring that trainees gain not only theoretical knowledge but also the practical skills and strategies required for the successful implementation of the training content.