02-6766 494 dukeuae@eim.ae
Good speaking is your most enduring job skill. This Course specialization will provide you with the instruction, experience, and practice to develop and deliver compelling presentations. Drawing from the established knowledge in communication, rhetoric, linguistics, and argumentation, the  course balances proven ideas with lots of speech practice.

Public Speaking

The courseis designed to specialize to help speakers at all levels. If you are nervous about public speaking, this is for you! We have spent years helping nervous novice speakers grow into confident communicators. We slowly work up specific skills that you can practice multiple times before putting together a longer speech.

What you will learn

  • Substantial increase your confidence
  • Presence as a dynamic speaker.
  • Develop delivery techniques for :
    • voice
    • movement and
    • gesture that engage audiences.
  • Prepare effective speeches for various purposes :
    • informative
    • persuasive
    • praise
    • occasions :
      • workplace
      • special events, etc.), and
      • audiences.
  • Master speechwriting techniques for :
    • storytelling
    • argument
    • style
    • topic framing and
    • discussing evidence.

and much more……………..

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