02-6766 494 dukeuae@eim.ae


The MS Office training program was a game-changer for me. I had been using these applications for years, but I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know until I took this course. The instructors were excellent, and I appreciated the hands-on approach to...


I found the MS Office training program at Duke Training Centre to be a significant investment in my career. The skills I learned have helped me to streamline my work processes and produce higher-quality work. I would definitely take another training program with them...


The MS Office training program exceeded my expectations. The instructors were knowledgeable and patient, and the content was relevant to my job function. I am confident in using Word, Excel, and PowerPoint after completing the program.


I was initially intimidated by the idea of learning MS Office, but the instructors at Duke Training Centre made it easy to understand and apply. The training program was well-structured and engaging, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their...


The MS Office training program from Duke Training Centre was incredibly informative and practical. I learned new skills that I immediately put to use in my job, and my productivity has increased significantly as a result.
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